Tuesday 6 September 2011

New thing! - 10 x 400!

Every Wednesday, I have decided that I will post a new workout; either running, cycling, core strength or even upper body :D

This weeks workout is a running one - more specifically it relates to interval training and speed work. It is called 10 x 400, and is pretty self explanatory. Now, firstly to do this workout you need a flat area, where you can run for 400 metres continuously without hills or many interruptions. If you have an athletics track nearby, that would be ideal. Secondly, you will want to be mentally prepared, as it can be very challenging to run 10 400s in 20min. Thirdly, do a warm-up before hand, even a 10 minute slow continuous run will aid in warming up muscles, but a couple of run throughs beforehand would be very beneficial. Here is the workout:

1. Run 400 metres
2. Rest 1 minute
3. Repeat 10 times

You should try to keep your 400s at approx. 1m10seconds, or below. Remember, when doing this workout you want to push yourself as hard as you can. During the minute rest, I recommend that you keep moving, or even stay at a very slow jog. This will help keep your legs moving and the lactic acid from building up!. Step 3 is probably daunting, but just remember to keep strong and push yourself. 1 down, 9 to go!!!

This workout will greatly enhance your speed endurance, and your speed. As expected, if done hard, this workout will definitely bring your fitness up. I personally love this workout because it is so mentally challenging and brings out the best of you. This workout gives you the lovely feeling of being absolutely and utterly exhausted when finished :D

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